Tuesday 29 September 2015

Happy Birthday Edie Rose!

Hiyas, my luvly jellybabies! I have some 

news to share with you!!

It's Edie Rose's birthday today!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! I just wanted to say that she is the most amazing friend I could ask for, and I hope she has an FABULOUS time being the age she's become. (I won' mention what age since i'm not sure if she'll want me to tell you.) And because of this event iv'e decided to write  a little poem to show what a fantastic friend she is.

Edie. The name I can recognise easily in any situation. Wether it's falling of a cliff, or simply opening a crisp packet, she'll always be there for me. After all, she is the one who first told me about blogging, and all the other essential things that now feel natural. We share little secrets, and write little e-mails to each other at midnight. I tell all my problems to her, and she tells them to me. We gossip together, and even though sometimes we argue, it all works out when we look into each others eyes and laugh our heads off. Me and her would play little games we'd made up, for hours on end if we had the chance. We make dens in the tiny cupboards in her bedroom, hide in them and steal biscuits and chocolate from the fridge. Books  and blogging are both our lives, and all our followers and commenters have drawn us closer as friends, so thank you, but more importantly thank Edie. You are gold to me.

Thank you so much for reading, and don't forget to comment happy birthday on Edie's blog, she will really appreciate it. 

Moonbaby out! :)



  1. That is really nice that you are doing this for a friend!

