Monday 12 October 2015

Things I Love In Autumn

Hiyas my lovely jellybabies! I'm sooooooo sorry about not posting lately, I try to post, but then I can't find any time to, then I can't think of anything to post about, then I give up and watch MyLifeAsEva  on youtube, so then I feel like 
Sorry, small panic attack there.

Anyways, on with today's post. I've decided to tell you guys all the things I love in the Autumn. So without further a doodle, let's do this!

1.) Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

This drink was so delicious! I adore the warm, spicy feeling when it trickles down your throat. Yum.....

2.) Wooly Socks
Warm, comfortable, fashionable amazing! Everything you need for Autumn.

3.) Colourful Leaves 

All the colours of Autumn's leaves distract me from whatever i'm doing. Flashes of gold shimmer in the trees, and flames flicker across the branches. ( I'm proud of that metaphor)

4.) Halloween

C'mon, you have to admit that Halloween is one of THE COOLEST THINGS EVER!! Think about it! You get free sweets, dress up in whatever you want, and scare the heck out anyone you come across! Awesome or what!

5.) Campfires 
There's nothing better than sitting in front of a campfire, singing a song and roasting marshmellows. 

So that's it for today, hope you enjoyed it!

Moonbaby out :)

PS. I am going to try to blog more often

PPS. Happy chocolate week!


  1. Ahh just thinking about those things makes me happy. Also happy chocolate week Moonbaby!

  2. I love fall :) But for some reason it snowed yesterday like what even
