About Myself

Hi fellow human!

 You are fantabulously lucky you have found my little corner of the blog-a-sphere... Boy are you in for a rollercoaster ride of Disney princesses, never-ending shelves of non- renewed library books, fangirling, and the colour purple. 

If you don't know me, my name is Moonbaby (obviously not really, but  i'm anonymous so...) and I am a free-spirited girl with a passion for all things arty. My hobbies include:

  • Dancing in my underwear
  • Overeating malteasers
  • Spending an unhealthy amount of time daydreaming and on Pinterest
  • Worrying
  • More worrying
  • Even more worrying
  • Blogging on my blog (as you can tell, cause your on it)
  • Living
  • Breathing
And, you get the idea...

Sooooo, yeah. That's it for now. I hope to spiritually meet you and we can become best friends! Or something.


Moonbaby Xx

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