Sunday 6 September 2015

Back To School Hairstyles: Moonbaby Style

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies! Today i'm gonna be doing a back to school post! I've seen this post creeping it's way around the blogasphere and want to try it myself. I'm going to show you lovely lot some of the hairstyles that are perfect for going back to school. Let do this!

1.) The Plaited Up Do

Plait both sides of your head in a regular plait. Then bring them up to the top of your head and secure with bobby pins. Ta da!

2.) Headscarf do

There are multiple ways of doing this style, but I like to grab a headscarf and roll it up. Then tie it round my head with a knot at the front. Voila!

3.) The Messy Bun

Pull your hair up into a high ponytail, but don't pull it all the way. Repeat again. Adjust until you're happy.

4.) The Classic Bunches

Probably the most simple of all, tie 2 ponytails at boths sides of yor head. But please, for my sake, don't go as crazy as this:

And DO NOT do this on your dog:

But it would be kinda funny to do it on your cat:

Anyway! Thanks for reading. Hope you use some of these styles for your own!

Moonbaby out :)

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