Friday 11 September 2015

The Happiness Tag

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies! 

I was tagged by Noor to do the happiness tag! So that's exactly what i'm going to do. Here are the rules:

  • Take the banner and put it in your post
  • List as many things as you want in each category
  • Come up with more categories if you want to
  • Tag as many people as you want
  • HAVE FUN! :)
Let's do this!

Some songs that make you happy

Happy, Pharell Williams - obviously
All Star, Smash Mouth - whenever I hear this song I just want to dance and forget everything
Your Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile - I adore the song from the new Annie movie

Some books that make you happy

The Frog Princess, E.D Baker - I don't know, this book was so funny!
Opal Moonbaby, Maudie Smith - I loved this story so much I called my anonymous blogger name after it... talk about fangirling! :)
Magical Mail, Claire Barker - I loved the retelling of the classic fairytales in a different way...

Some movies that made you happy

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - to be fair I love all movies with Jim Carrey in them
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls - told you so
Horton Hears A Who - I don't even need to explain this:


Some foods that make you happy

Cake - chocolate is my favourite
Donuts - this s when you realise me and Homer Simpson are not that different... Me: mmmmmm, dooonuuuutss... Homer: mmmmmm doooonuuuutsss... see ?
Pot noodles - eating pot noodles reminds me of camping. Coming back from an adventure knowing that a bunch of pot noodles are waiting to be made and eaten

Some words that make you happy

Bungalow - I just love the sound the n and g make together! Bunnnnggg - alow. So amusing!
Majestic - I always say this word in a whisper to make it sound more, well, majestic.
Dawn - A good word, a good word.

Some scents that make you happy

Fresh air - It's good to be outdoors
Raw cake mixture - am I the only one who licks the bowl?
School - it sounds weird but my school has a certain smell

I tag:

Edie Rose
 And if you're not mentioned here, I tag you aswell! This post is about spreading happiness, and that's what we want to do!

Thanks for reading!

Moonbaby out :)