Monday 29 June 2015

Acting Advice

Hiyas! Today I thought that I would tell you guys some acting tips I find really helpful whilst i'm on stage. 


Forget everything else, this is all you need to remember:

Pretend it's the first time you're SAYING IT
Pretend it's the first time you're HEARING IT
Pretend it's the first time you're DOING IT

Keep a database or note in your address book after every audition or meeting. I guarantee, after 5 years in the business you won't remember who you have and haven't met.

Get used to hearing your agent say:

"They won't be going a further on that one"(You didn't get the job)
"You were good, but they went on a different path for that role" (You didn't get the job)
"It's very quiet at the moment"(There are no jobs for you to get)

However, this is a sentence you will NEVER hear your agent say:

"They called to say that you got the job & they have a massive budget up that is much more than you hoped for"

Don't go to drama school because you want to be famous; go to drama school because you want to act more than anything else. You love to act, that's why you're an actor. Cherish the chance to act.

That's all for now, but I will add more tips on when I have more experience.


By the way, I didn't design my button: my friend Edie Rose did. Check out her blog here...

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