Sunday 7 June 2015

How To Make Delicious Honey Biscuit Ice Cream

Hiyas! So for today's post i've decided to tell you lovely people how to make honey biscuit ice cream! I love this dessert, and it is especially good since the weather is getting better. (Just to let you know, I made this recipe up). So I really hope you guys like it!

What you will need:

Vanilla ice cream

3 rich tea/ digestive biscuits

A little drizzle of magic (honey or maple syrup)


First of all, bash up your biscuits into small crumbs and put aside.

Secondly, Take 2 scoops of your vanilla ice cream and plop them into a bowl. Mix them and make them nice and flexible.

Now, take your biscuit crumbs and gently pour them into the bowl. Stir them vigorously until it looks like melty, crumbly heaven.

For the finishing touches, drizzle a spoonful of honey or maple syrup onto your mixture and hey presto! You have yourself a guilty pleasure to tuck into. I really hope you like this post and don't forget to comment, follow and share. Cheerio!


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