Thursday 18 June 2015

Books and Reading: A Book Challenge

Hey guys! Iv'e decided to do a book challenge that Noor from A Little Bit Of Sunshine made up. Here's how it went...

1.) A book to be read

One Wish by Michelle Harrison.

2.) A book series you would like to see as a movie

I think Opal Moonbaby. I would love to see it on the screens!

3.) Overhyped book/author

Jaqueline Wilson. It has to be.

4.) Best book series you will ever read

Magical Mail by Claire Barker.

5.) Book to movie adaption that was really bad

Harry Potter. It was nothing as good as the original book!

6.) Books that made you cry

Where Mermaids Sing by Brian Keaney. I loved it all the same.

7.) Book you are reading right now. Give it a quick rating.

Tales of Polly and the Hungry Wolf by Catherine Storr. It's quite old fashioned but that's what I like about it.

8.) A book series you didn't like

The Luck Uglies by Paul Durham.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, love, share and follow!

Moonbaby out:)


  1. This sounds like a fun little challenge! I'll try it!

  2. one quick thing:
    Overhyped means you think it is over popular and I am sure you love JW
