Wednesday 24 June 2015

Bullying: What it is and its Effects

Hello! It's me, Moonbaby. I'm sorry I haven't been on JAJ much lately: iv'e been too busy sorting out life and friendships.

Speaking of friendships...

Today I wanted to talk about bullying. 

Bullying is NEVER a good thing. But the problem is, it happens to everyone. You might say it is even common! Here are some tips if you ever get bullied, or if someone you know is being bullied.

  • Find a teacher parent or adult you trust, & tell them what is happening. They don't have to get involved or even speak to & they can support, advise and help you stand up for yourself. Schools have strict policies on bullying and teachers have a lot of experience dealing wit the problem.
  • Practise looking and sounding confident. Bullies are usually cowards that pick on people that they think are weaker than themselves. Stand up tall and hold your head up high when you walk around. Speak in a clear, strong voice and look people straight in the eye when you talk to them.
  • Whenever possible, ignore any behaviour that is intended to make you feel sad, angry or bad about yourself. This will only cause attention to you & the bullies will repeat.
  • Bullies won't pick on someone who is in a group. If you see anybody alone, go up to them & be friends! This is also a great opportunity to make new mates!
Follow all of these, and you will be bully free! (See how that rhymed?)

Thanks for reading, & if you are, don't forget the routine! Like, follow, share and comment.

Moonbaby out! :)

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