Tuesday 29 September 2015

Happy Birthday Edie Rose!

Hiyas, my luvly jellybabies! I have some 

news to share with you!!

It's Edie Rose's birthday today!!!!! AHHHHHHH!!!! I just wanted to say that she is the most amazing friend I could ask for, and I hope she has an FABULOUS time being the age she's become. (I won' mention what age since i'm not sure if she'll want me to tell you.) And because of this event iv'e decided to write  a little poem to show what a fantastic friend she is.

Edie. The name I can recognise easily in any situation. Wether it's falling of a cliff, or simply opening a crisp packet, she'll always be there for me. After all, she is the one who first told me about blogging, and all the other essential things that now feel natural. We share little secrets, and write little e-mails to each other at midnight. I tell all my problems to her, and she tells them to me. We gossip together, and even though sometimes we argue, it all works out when we look into each others eyes and laugh our heads off. Me and her would play little games we'd made up, for hours on end if we had the chance. We make dens in the tiny cupboards in her bedroom, hide in them and steal biscuits and chocolate from the fridge. Books  and blogging are both our lives, and all our followers and commenters have drawn us closer as friends, so thank you, but more importantly thank Edie. You are gold to me.

Thank you so much for reading, and don't forget to comment happy birthday on Edie's blog, she will really appreciate it. 

Moonbaby out! :)


Wednesday 23 September 2015

Top 10 Chocolate Bars

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies! Sorry I haven't been posting much lately! Today, ('cause i'm such a chocoholic) i'm going to do a top 10 chocolate bar post! :) AHHH!!! I'm so excited! Chocolate is my all time favourite. Let do this thing!

10.) Milkybar 
(It's a little known fact that this bar is actually made out of fat, not chocolate!)

9.) Mars

8.) Maltesers
7.) Twix
6.) Kit Kat
5.) Curly Wurly
4.) Aero (mint is my personal favourite)

3.) Snickers
2.) Smarties 
1.) After Eights
So that's all for now, ya'll! Don't forget to comment, love, follow and share! Oh yeh! I forgot. I will not be doing my shedule thing any longer. I'm freestyle, man!

Moonbaby out! :)

Wednesday 16 September 2015

Rainy Days

Hiyas my lovely jellybabies! It's bucketing down right now outside,and has been for the past few hours, so I thought I would do a sort of sad post today.

I'm looking out the window, watching the dew drops plopping onto the ground, a pool of water taking over the garden. I see a tear of crystal running down my nose, onto my scarlet lips and down my chin. The rain is roaring, each drop like a charging bullet. I can hear the trees rattling away, the storm hitting them like a million cricket bats. The wind is blowing, the rain is rushing, my heart is beating.

Thanks for reading! Remember, if you want to do a guest post or interview, just comment below.

Moonbaby out! :)

Friday 11 September 2015

The Happiness Tag

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies! 

I was tagged by Noor to do the happiness tag! So that's exactly what i'm going to do. Here are the rules:

  • Take the banner and put it in your post
  • List as many things as you want in each category
  • Come up with more categories if you want to
  • Tag as many people as you want
  • HAVE FUN! :)
Let's do this!

Some songs that make you happy

Happy, Pharell Williams - obviously
All Star, Smash Mouth - whenever I hear this song I just want to dance and forget everything
Your Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile - I adore the song from the new Annie movie

Some books that make you happy

The Frog Princess, E.D Baker - I don't know, this book was so funny!
Opal Moonbaby, Maudie Smith - I loved this story so much I called my anonymous blogger name after it... talk about fangirling! :)
Magical Mail, Claire Barker - I loved the retelling of the classic fairytales in a different way...

Some movies that made you happy

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective - to be fair I love all movies with Jim Carrey in them
Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls - told you so
Horton Hears A Who - I don't even need to explain this:


Some foods that make you happy

Cake - chocolate is my favourite
Donuts - this s when you realise me and Homer Simpson are not that different... Me: mmmmmm, dooonuuuutss... Homer: mmmmmm doooonuuuutsss... see ?
Pot noodles - eating pot noodles reminds me of camping. Coming back from an adventure knowing that a bunch of pot noodles are waiting to be made and eaten

Some words that make you happy

Bungalow - I just love the sound the n and g make together! Bunnnnggg - alow. So amusing!
Majestic - I always say this word in a whisper to make it sound more, well, majestic.
Dawn - A good word, a good word.

Some scents that make you happy

Fresh air - It's good to be outdoors
Raw cake mixture - am I the only one who licks the bowl?
School - it sounds weird but my school has a certain smell

I tag:

Edie Rose
 And if you're not mentioned here, I tag you aswell! This post is about spreading happiness, and that's what we want to do!

Thanks for reading!

Moonbaby out :)

Thursday 10 September 2015

How To Make Banana And Cinnamon Smoothies

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies! Sorry about not posting yesterday, so i'm doing it now. I'm going to show you, yes, YOU a delicious recipe for banana and cinnamon smoothies! Yum! :)


1 chopped up banana

2 teaspoons of cinnamon

A big whopper dollop of strawberry yoghurt

A splash of milk

1.) Peel and chop a banana, and place in a blender.

2.) Add a splash of milk ( red, green, blue whatever you're tastebuds desire )

3.) Tip in 2 teaspoons of cinnamon

4.) Splat a big whopper dollop of strawberry yoghurt in the middle, and blend.

5.) CELEBRATE!! You have just created the most delectable smoothie OF ALL TIME!!!! :)

Thanks for reading! 

Moonbaby out :)

Sunday 6 September 2015

Back To School Hairstyles: Moonbaby Style

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies! Today i'm gonna be doing a back to school post! I've seen this post creeping it's way around the blogasphere and want to try it myself. I'm going to show you lovely lot some of the hairstyles that are perfect for going back to school. Let do this!

1.) The Plaited Up Do

Plait both sides of your head in a regular plait. Then bring them up to the top of your head and secure with bobby pins. Ta da!

2.) Headscarf do

There are multiple ways of doing this style, but I like to grab a headscarf and roll it up. Then tie it round my head with a knot at the front. Voila!

3.) The Messy Bun

Pull your hair up into a high ponytail, but don't pull it all the way. Repeat again. Adjust until you're happy.

4.) The Classic Bunches

Probably the most simple of all, tie 2 ponytails at boths sides of yor head. But please, for my sake, don't go as crazy as this:

And DO NOT do this on your dog:

But it would be kinda funny to do it on your cat:

Anyway! Thanks for reading. Hope you use some of these styles for your own!

Moonbaby out :)

Friday 4 September 2015

My Blogging Schedule

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies! This is only going to be a quick post today, since there's not much to tell. 

Since most of us are going back to school, (or have already) I won't have much time to blog. So, iv'e picked out three days that i'll post, so I have more time for other things! I'm going to blog on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays. If there are any changes i'll let you guys know as soon as possible.

Byeeee! :)