Monday 29 June 2015

Acting Advice

Hiyas! Today I thought that I would tell you guys some acting tips I find really helpful whilst i'm on stage. 


Forget everything else, this is all you need to remember:

Pretend it's the first time you're SAYING IT
Pretend it's the first time you're HEARING IT
Pretend it's the first time you're DOING IT

Keep a database or note in your address book after every audition or meeting. I guarantee, after 5 years in the business you won't remember who you have and haven't met.

Get used to hearing your agent say:

"They won't be going a further on that one"(You didn't get the job)
"You were good, but they went on a different path for that role" (You didn't get the job)
"It's very quiet at the moment"(There are no jobs for you to get)

However, this is a sentence you will NEVER hear your agent say:

"They called to say that you got the job & they have a massive budget up that is much more than you hoped for"

Don't go to drama school because you want to be famous; go to drama school because you want to act more than anything else. You love to act, that's why you're an actor. Cherish the chance to act.

That's all for now, but I will add more tips on when I have more experience.


By the way, I didn't design my button: my friend Edie Rose did. Check out her blog here...

Wednesday 24 June 2015

Bullying: What it is and its Effects

Hello! It's me, Moonbaby. I'm sorry I haven't been on JAJ much lately: iv'e been too busy sorting out life and friendships.

Speaking of friendships...

Today I wanted to talk about bullying. 

Bullying is NEVER a good thing. But the problem is, it happens to everyone. You might say it is even common! Here are some tips if you ever get bullied, or if someone you know is being bullied.

  • Find a teacher parent or adult you trust, & tell them what is happening. They don't have to get involved or even speak to & they can support, advise and help you stand up for yourself. Schools have strict policies on bullying and teachers have a lot of experience dealing wit the problem.
  • Practise looking and sounding confident. Bullies are usually cowards that pick on people that they think are weaker than themselves. Stand up tall and hold your head up high when you walk around. Speak in a clear, strong voice and look people straight in the eye when you talk to them.
  • Whenever possible, ignore any behaviour that is intended to make you feel sad, angry or bad about yourself. This will only cause attention to you & the bullies will repeat.
  • Bullies won't pick on someone who is in a group. If you see anybody alone, go up to them & be friends! This is also a great opportunity to make new mates!
Follow all of these, and you will be bully free! (See how that rhymed?)

Thanks for reading, & if you are, don't forget the routine! Like, follow, share and comment.

Moonbaby out! :)

Thursday 18 June 2015

Books and Reading: A Book Challenge

Hey guys! Iv'e decided to do a book challenge that Noor from A Little Bit Of Sunshine made up. Here's how it went...

1.) A book to be read

One Wish by Michelle Harrison.

2.) A book series you would like to see as a movie

I think Opal Moonbaby. I would love to see it on the screens!

3.) Overhyped book/author

Jaqueline Wilson. It has to be.

4.) Best book series you will ever read

Magical Mail by Claire Barker.

5.) Book to movie adaption that was really bad

Harry Potter. It was nothing as good as the original book!

6.) Books that made you cry

Where Mermaids Sing by Brian Keaney. I loved it all the same.

7.) Book you are reading right now. Give it a quick rating.

Tales of Polly and the Hungry Wolf by Catherine Storr. It's quite old fashioned but that's what I like about it.

8.) A book series you didn't like

The Luck Uglies by Paul Durham.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment, love, share and follow!

Moonbaby out:)

Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Story of Roselyn Redheart

This is the story of when my twin, Roselyn Redheart, ran away from home. Roselyn is my sister. We both have short black hair and have big, emerald eyes. You might think me and Roselyn are very similar, but we are not. I am loving, positive and caring, (even if I do say so myself) and she is noisy, stubborn and extremely naughty.  Stern, vain, stroppy Aunt Pam sometimes gives Roselyn the stick! The stick is so nasty I don’t dare talk about it. Anyway, this is how my dear sister ran away. Uncle Ernie, a funny, eccentric and forgetful chap, was having an argument with her. Poor people, it’s not fun when you have an argument in our house… They were arguing on which TV show to watch. Which is a bit silly really if you think about it! I heard Roselyn and Uncle Ernie shouting at each other, and I knew something was up. Then my twin stomped out of the living room, marched up the stairs and slammed our bedroom door. Bang!

That night I lay in bed, but could not sleep: something was wrong. I peered into Roselyn’s bed and discovered she wasn’t there! I ran out onto the landing and flung my Uncle’s door open. Uncle Ernie sat up straight and yawned a big fat yawn. “ Rachael?” he exclaimed. “Whatever is the matter? Have you had a nightmare?”
“No, Uncle, Roselyn has gone!” I shouted, which woke Aunt Pam up. “ Whatever is going on?” she grumbled, still half asleep. Uncle Ernie and me explained what had happened, but surprisingly, Aunt did absolutely nothing about it! “Serves her right.” She murmured, and disappeared under the duvet. Uncle Ernie clambered out of the small bed, and put on his nightgown and slippers. “Where are you going, Uncle?” I asked. “ Where are we going Rachael? We are going to look for your sister.” And so we did. Uncle Ernie and me searched all around the neighbourhood, shouting and calling Roselyn’s name. But nobody replied. “Maybe she’ll be near the old
Factory.” I said. I dashed down the alleyway and came across some big dustbins. Inside one of the dustbins I could see two wide, scared eyes. I carefully took the lid of the bin and saw… Roselyn! I pulled my dear sister out and called for Uncle Ernie. Uncle came running and saw her. He swept her up into his cold, bony hands and cradled her like he used to do when we were babies. “ What happened?” He exclaimed.

“I don’t, don’t know.” Roselyn croaked. One moment I was sleeping in bed, the next I found myself in a dustbin.”

“Sleepwalking!” Uncle and me chorused together, like we had rehearsed it a million times before. Roselyn chuckled, I stroked her sweaty forehead, and Uncle Ernie carried my little sister back home and popped her safely into bed, and did the same for me.

Things were different after that, Aunt Pam wasn’t so grumpy, Roselyn wasn’t so stroppy, I didn’t try to avoid cleaning Fluffy’s cage. All’s well that ends well. 

I really hope you like my story!

Friday 12 June 2015

Top 10 Blogs of the Month - June

Hey guys!I'm starting a new thing on my blog, Top 10 Blogs of the Month. Every month, I will give you an idea of what awesome blogs to check out. I really hope you like it!


9.)The Book Addicted Girl

8.) What Lexie Loves

7.) Daughter of the King

6.) The Frumpy Kid

5.)A Little Bit of Sunshine


3.)Eve of Womanhood

2.)The Ups and Downs of my Not so Average Life

And in at number 1 is.... Minty Perfections!

Don't forget i'm doing this every month, so comment your blog name below and you might just have a chance of being my blog of the month!

Moonbaby out :)

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Magical Mail Book Review

Hey guys! Thank you so much for checking out my blog. I now have 109 pageviews and counting!:)
Right now i'm reading an amazing book called Magical Mail by Claire Barker. Read on to find out more...

If there is one thing you can say with absolute certainty, it’s that ten-year-old Faith Smyth is no hero. Her father is a brain-surgeon, her mother is a kick-boxer, her sister is a beauty queen and her little brother is a chess champion, but all Faith is good at is forgetting her P.E. kit. Which makes it all the more remarkable that she alone has been chosen to save the mythical world from its certain doom.

A mystery informer is planning to expose famous folkloric characters as charlatans who actually have very normal lifestyles, beset with petty concerns and insecurities, just like the rest of us. He has stolen a pile of correspondence from various well-known mythical characters and he intends to send it all to the newspapers in exchange for a giant chocolate cake and a dancing penguin.

Faith intercepts the letters and reluctantly sets about returning them to their senders. But as she encounters assorted perils along her journey, Faith beings to discover an inner strength she never knew she had. As her adventure progresses, it becomes apparent that she is not the ordinary little girl she thought she was...

Trust me: if you want a bewildering good read, then Magical Mail is the book for you!

Moonbaby out :)

Sunday 7 June 2015

How To Make Delicious Honey Biscuit Ice Cream

Hiyas! So for today's post i've decided to tell you lovely people how to make honey biscuit ice cream! I love this dessert, and it is especially good since the weather is getting better. (Just to let you know, I made this recipe up). So I really hope you guys like it!

What you will need:

Vanilla ice cream

3 rich tea/ digestive biscuits

A little drizzle of magic (honey or maple syrup)


First of all, bash up your biscuits into small crumbs and put aside.

Secondly, Take 2 scoops of your vanilla ice cream and plop them into a bowl. Mix them and make them nice and flexible.

Now, take your biscuit crumbs and gently pour them into the bowl. Stir them vigorously until it looks like melty, crumbly heaven.

For the finishing touches, drizzle a spoonful of honey or maple syrup onto your mixture and hey presto! You have yourself a guilty pleasure to tuck into. I really hope you like this post and don't forget to comment, follow and share. Cheerio!


Saturday 6 June 2015

Rooftoppers Book Review

Hey guys! I've decided to do a book review today, on a book I will read a thousand times more, Rooftoppers by Katherine Rundell. I hope you like this review. Enjoy:)

Join plucky heroine Sophie, her eccentric guardian Charles, and her intrepid orphan allies on the rooftops of Victorian Paris, as they encounter suspense and adventure that will keep kids of all ages on the edge of their seats right to the heartwarming end.
"My mother is still alive, and she is going to come for me one day."
Everyone thinks that Sophie is an orphan. Found floating in a cello case and swaddled in a Beethoven score, she is the only recorded female survivor of a shipwreck on the English Channel. But Sophie remembers seeing her mother wave for help...
Charles, a fellow survivor and an eccentric scholar, finds Sophie and brings her home to his London bachelor flat. Raised in a quirky home filled with music, words and love (though questionable diet), Sophie grows into a free-spirited tomboy with a taste for Shakespeare and the unshakeable belief that anything is possible. And you should never ignore a possible.
So when the child welfare agency in its bureaucratic wisdom threatens to send Sophie to an orphanage, the optimistic girl and her odd guardian flee to Paris on a quest to find her mother, starting with the only clue she has - the address of the cello maker.
Secured in an attic to evade the French authorities, Sophie escapes through the skylight and meets Matteo and his network of rooftoppers - homeless urchins who tightrope walk above the busy streets below, dining on pigeons and snails alongside the gargoyles and bell tower of Notre Dame. Together they set out on an unimaginable adventure, scouring the city for Sophie's mother before she is caught and sent back to London - and most importantly, before she loses hope.
Readers who enjoyed the Lemony Snicket books, Ellen Potter's The Kneebone Boy, Cornelia Funke's The Thief Lord, and Sally Gardner's I, Coriander will want to put Rooftoppers on their must read list!


This is my very first blog! I'm really excited about it and I can't wait to get started. As you know, this blog is called Just Add Jellybeans. I super duper duper hope you like it and as I said before, I can't wait to get started. I'm going to be an anonymous blogger, so call me Moonbaby. I absolutely more than anything else love drama and books, so I will be doing a lot of book reviews and little scripts. Thanks for reading this, and if you are, please comment and follow. 

Moonbaby out :)!