Wednesday 11 May 2016

The Text Tag :)

Why hello there, Jellybean Army. I'm am so sorry I haven't been posting lately, a lot has been happening and I think I just needed time to, well, think. But mwa is back and she is staying, babe!*

Soooooooooo, Edie-Rose, from Minty Perfections, tagged me to attempt The Text Tag! I have 0, nought, none, zilch idea of what the heck this is, so let's do it and see what happens, aye?

Some Guidelines That You Should Probably Follow, But Hey, The Choice Is Yours

~Thank the blogger that nominated you and/or give a link back to their blog~

~Answer the original 6 text-themed questions~

~Add a typography/word related question to those you tagged to answer~

~Tag 2+ bloggers and let them know~

~Include these rules in your post~

The Questions:

1. What is your favourite letter of the alphabet?

The & sign; this is actually an official letter of the alphabet, but hardly anyone PHYSICALLY knows.. but out of the common letters, L, and only close friends know why

2.What are 3 words that you love?

Bibliophile, boketto, and antidisestablishmentarism. Google holds the answers. Ooh, bonus one, discombobulated. And another, i'm being nice here, bungalow

3. What are 3 words that you hate?

Equation, goal and tricky. No idea why

4. If you were to create a word, what would it be and how would you describe it?

Cloopy - the feeling you get when you can't control yourself, and do really weird things without knowing it, and then feel really tired, and then sad, and then angry.. basically, the feeling you get when you accidentally murder an ant with your foot

5. What are your 3 favourite punctuation marks?

{ $ @

6. What are your three favourite fonts?

Cookies and Milk, Because I Am Happy, Hot Chocolate Latte

(Edie-Rose's question to me) 7. What is your favourite part of writing and words in general?

Feeling the pen in your hand, watching the ink slowly descend from the pen to the page, the power words hold, and everything in-between

My Question To You

If you could be a word, which word would you be?

I tag:

~Daydream Believer

~H-J (If you still blog, I haven't heard from you in a while)

~Oak Star

~Any little bloggers who need some exciting anything on their blog

Thank you for reading! I will be posting a lot now...

Moonbaby :)

*Sorry if that was weird