Monday 14 March 2016

Hello Fellow Human Beings!

Hiyas, my lovely jellibabies! First of all, I am so FUNKALICIOUSAGLAMTASTICSUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPITHRILLADELIC! I can't believe Edie did that for me! She is one of the best friends any human being could possibly ask BEG for! Oh, and I don't really know what this post is gonna be about. It's the adrenaline kicking in! (Or maybe my serious addiction to bubblegum is starting to get to my brain...) So, yeah. This is probably gonna be super boring and.......


To be completely honest, this will probably COMPLETELY be the best post ever that will COMPLETELY blow you off your beanbag! Or chair! Or sofa! Or pony!

As mentioned in the last post, by none other than Edie Rose, the official 'Moonbaby Appreciation Party' was opened! However, it would be selfish to call it that. You know, after mwa. So, I have decided to call it.. whatever YOU lovely human beings want! Please, please, PUH-LEASE, comment, even if you can't, whatever you think KNOW we should call the Jellybean Army! I would go around screaming with happiness if you could.

Thank you for being awesome,

Moonbaby out! :)


  1. The Jellybean Army actually sounds really good. And corny.

  2. Just keep it the jellybean army!

  3. The Jellybean Army it is then :)

  4. I tagged you for the Text tag. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・✧
