Monday 16 May 2016

My Thoughts On ~ Feminism #1

Why hello there, Jellybean Army.

I think it is about time we started a little series, since my Top 10 Blogs Of The Month one was as much use as a chocolate teapot. The first post is something quite serious - feminism - so if you don't want to read on, you don't have to.

Still here? ALRIGHTY THEN. Let's do this..

I am a feminist. So much. Some people think feminism is something boring and political, but it really just means you believe each gender is equal. I am a feminist.

Some people don't think that. They think that men are better than women, or vice versa. I don't judge them, but it does make me wonder.

It's a bit more complicated when it comes to transgender people. I respect them, for they have fought many battles, and are a breath away from winning the war. There is a lot of debate at the moment, of which toilets transgenders should use, but really just leave it. Let them choose!

Anyway, if you are transgender, which i'm not by the way, some people treat you depending on which sex you look like, which also links to racism AND feminism. But it really depends on which sex you feel like.

Sorry, i'm going off topic!

Personally, I think everyone should be a feminist. If you are male, if you are female, it doesn't matter. You are a human. Everyone is.

Woah, that is enough serious for one post. Don't worry, most of the, ummm, episodes? won't be as serious as this, but I thought I would start with it as it is an incredible subject.

Thanks for reading!

Moonbaby xx