Saturday 14 May 2016

The Unknown Bloggers Challenge

Why hello there, Jellybean Army.

I was nominated by the one and only Edie-Rose  from Minty Perfections (again) to do The Unknown Bloggers Challenge! I have been doing a lot of tags lately but they seem to be everywhere...

Let's start:

The Rules:

~If you are nominated, you are challenged to do it~

~You have to nominate at least 5 followers who have less than 100 followers themselves~

1. Are you a morning person or a nighttime person?

My god, nighttime. I am secretly an owl.

2.What is your biggest accomplishment?

Probably creating JAJ and staying alive for this long. 

3. What is your blogging goal for this year?

To post much more than I do currently.

4. Did you celebrate Easter? If so, what did you do?

I'm not really religious, but me and my family have a little tradition where we go to my Granny's house and stuff ourselselves with enough food to feed America. Then we stuff ourselves with enough chocolate to feed Earth.

5. If you could talk to anyone alive for 30 minutes who would it be?

My Nanny. She's recovering from an operation and I won't be able to see her for a couple of months.

6. Who is your favourite celebrity?

Maddie Ziegler!!!!!!

7. What is your favourite genre of book?

I love comedy but fantasy is cool to. I love Lorali by Laura Dockrill. Check it out :)

I tag:

Daydream Believer


Everyone who has less than 100 followers :)

Thanks for reading!

Moonbaby xx