Friday 23 October 2015

Happy Back To The Future Day!

Great Scott, my lovely jellybabies! Big news...  it's


Well technically, it was the day before yesterday, but hey, whatever. Let's just say it's today, for Marty's sake.

Anyways, the reason that it's Back to the Future day is because: *deep breath*

In back to the future part 2 Marty and Doc travell forward in time to 2015 since the film was made in 1985 to the 21 of October 2015. WHICH IS TODAY!!!!! Well, the day before yesterday, but whatever.

I LOVE the back to the future, it's my favourite movie OF ALL TIME! And I think it's super cool that they thought 2015 would have hoverboards and flying cars and stuff like that!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! 

If you don't know the storyline of the trilogy then listen up, i'm going to round the whole thing up: *another deep breath*

So there's this dude called Marty McFly right, and he meets this mad scientist called Doc and invents a time machine called the Deloreon, then he travels back in time to 1955 when his parents meet but he accidentally makes them never meet, and while doing so nearly erases his own existence in the process, so in the end he gets them back together, and saves the universe, HOORAY! But,in back to the future part 2, Marty, Doc and Jennifer (Marty's girlfriend) travel into 2015 to try to stop Marty's kids from going to prison and having a horrible life. So he does. Yeah! But, Biff (Marty's nemesis) from the future steals an almanac that Marty bought with all the results of every sporting event till the end of the century, then, he steals the Deloreon and travels back in time to 1955, where he gives the book to his younger self, so, when Doc and Marty get the Deloreon back and go back to 1985, they realise that they have gone to a alternate universe, where Biff is rich and is Marty's stepfather and tries to kill him. So, Marty and Doc travel to 1955 to try to stop Biff from the future giving the almanac to the Biff from the past, so he never gets rich and ends up being Marty's stepfather. And they do. WHOPPEE! But, When Doc is flying around in the Delorean, he gets struck by lightning and transported back to 18 something something, where he finds out he gets shot by a cowboy but then travels forward in time again, then back again, to try to stop himself being shot. But, I haven't actually watched that film yet so HANG ON PEOPLE!!

Anyway, happy back to the future day!

Marty McFly out :)


1 comment:

  1. I actually just watched back to the future a couple days ago and loved it!
