Tuesday 11 August 2015

The Future...

Hiyas! I'm just going to get right into this post.

The most curios question in the universe, "what will the future be like?" Nobody knows. I certainly don't. I've thought up some questions about what i'll do in the future, and going to answer them. Let do this!

Where are you going to live?

I'm thinking about living in a gypsy wagon... iv'e always loved them.

Any kids?

Yes. Probably. I think i'll have 2 or 3. Maybe an adopted child.

What will their names be?

Girl - Zoe, Madalin, Jessica, Rae

Boy - Stanely, Charlie, Redmond, Ashton

Are you going to college/university? 

I really want to go to drama school, actually. If I don't get in, i'll probably go to university and study drama.

Will you still have a blog?

I hope so... Ill try to keep JAJ for as long as possible. If not, I'll probably have another blog.

That's all, folks. Hope you enjoyed! Don't forget to comment, follow, share and love!

Moonbaby out :)

1 comment:

  1. Amazing choice of girl names. Especially Madalin. My name is Madlin! How awesome!!
