Tuesday 18 August 2015

How To Say Hello In 12 Different Languages

Hiyas! Can I just say thank you for checking out my blog. It means a lot! Anyways, today it felt like it would be the perfect day to write a post about how to say hello 12 languages. Don't know why, just did.

 Alllrrighty, then! ( I love Ace Ventura...)

1.) French - bonjour
2.) Spanish - hola

3.) German - hallo

4.) Irish - dia duit
5.) Portugese - Olá
6.) Latin - salve

7.) Italian - ciao

8.) Zulu - sawubona

9.) Finnish - hei

10.) Danish - hej

11.) Turkish - merhaba

12.) Romanian - alo

(Please note: iv'e got most of these sayings from google translate... i'm not Einstein!

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to tell all your friends about my blog, and they tell their friends, and they tell their friends, and they tell their friends...

Byeeeee xoxo


  1. YAY! for some reason, I just love to learn things in different languages :)


  2. wow thats cool :D


