Monday 14 March 2016

Hello Fellow Human Beings!

Hiyas, my lovely jellibabies! First of all, I am so FUNKALICIOUSAGLAMTASTICSUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPITHRILLADELIC! I can't believe Edie did that for me! She is one of the best friends any human being could possibly ask BEG for! Oh, and I don't really know what this post is gonna be about. It's the adrenaline kicking in! (Or maybe my serious addiction to bubblegum is starting to get to my brain...) So, yeah. This is probably gonna be super boring and.......


To be completely honest, this will probably COMPLETELY be the best post ever that will COMPLETELY blow you off your beanbag! Or chair! Or sofa! Or pony!

As mentioned in the last post, by none other than Edie Rose, the official 'Moonbaby Appreciation Party' was opened! However, it would be selfish to call it that. You know, after mwa. So, I have decided to call it.. whatever YOU lovely human beings want! Please, please, PUH-LEASE, comment, even if you can't, whatever you think KNOW we should call the Jellybean Army! I would go around screaming with happiness if you could.

Thank you for being awesome,

Moonbaby out! :)

Sunday 13 March 2016


First things first, I am not moonbaby and this is NOT my blog. It's Edie, I blog over at Minty Perfections and I want to give moonbaby a surprise. You can probably see I redesigned her blog. So, from her recent blog posts she has seemed a little down, let's cheer her up because, I, Edith Rose Castell, have the pleasure to officially open the Moonbaby appreciation party.

She wrote a list of things she wants to achieve. Let's help her.

  1. Get a new blog design - i'm working on this...... um, email   Done!

2. Try to stop having these wobble things - as mentioned in my last post - Comment appreciation jellybabies!  

3. Find the end of a rainbow - don't judge me, my mental age is 3 (just kidding) - Scroll down this post till you find the pot of gold named "followers"

4. Redo my room - you know, this could actually be a possibility! - You'll get this done for sure!

5. Get instagram - my very good friend and fellow blogger DB  has it. - You can easily do this, and DB will be there to cheer you on.

6. Ride a unicorn - what? Can't a girl ride a little bloomin' unicorn? - All you need is a saddle, a party hat and a horse!

7. Buy glasses from Claire's - glasses suit me, even though at the moment I don't need them - Easy! 

8. Talk when i'm blogging - for this I need to type faster... I talk ALOT! - If you keep practicing you'll get there! (i cant do it 3>

9. Swim with mermaids - So? I have dreams... - You know you can buy mechanical working tails now.

10.  Learn to knit - this isn't gonna be easy... :( - YOU WILL GET THERE

11. Blog more often - yeah, I have a lot to make up for... sorry guys - Easier said then done, but you'll get there!

12. Brush Rapunzel's hair - I can see a pattern forming, can you? - Well, when you get insta, message her! >3

13. Get 2 goldfish - i'm pretty sure this will happen- I'm pretty sure too!

14. Get better at singing - it's a very useful tool - I agree, it is useful, to get on thr good side of those mermaids your swimming in!

15.  Live in a gingerbread house - yep, a pattern  - Wait till the supermarket has a sale. Your gonna need loads of ingredients.

16.  Skydive - awesome!!! - Once your friends with rapunzel, she might let you use hers!

17.  Throw a tomato into a moving fan - who knows where this will go - Fun times! Invite me over for this one. PLLLLEEEEEAAAAASSSSSEE!!!!!
18. Be myself - Only you can do that!  

Wednesday 9 March 2016

Happy World Book Day!

Hiyas, my lovely jellibabies! First of all, this is gonna be a pretty emotional and serious post. (If I don't get sidetracked and talk about unicorns instead). But before that,


As you already know, I am a HUGE bibliophile and read the dictionary for fun and believe we should have carts in libraries (Good one Noor, I owe you) so I just wanted to wish you all the best from me to hope you have the best day ever on the only holiday that celebrates books. Wait, it's a holiday, right? However, that brings me to the more serious and emotional part of this post. Here we go:

To be completely honest, I wasn't utterly ecstatic about world book day. *gasps* Not the book part, but the dressing up bit. I thought I was gonna be the only one in my class who would be from Rooftoppers. (Well, I was). Almost EVERY SINGLE BLOOMIN' GIRL was from Dork Diaries, an absolutely great tween novel series by Rachel Renee Russell. There were:

  • 2 Mackenzies
  • 1 Nicki
  • 1 Brianna
  • and 1 Jessica
I felt really left out because they were all hangin'' out together and, like, putting lip gloss on each other and styling each others hair and calling each other 'hon' and 'babe' and 'girlfriend' and painting their nails during assembly. (One did actually did do ALL those things!) I know they were just all in character but still, there I was sitting on the wall with my ripped cotton dress stained with coffee, and strange leg warmers from an old charity-shop-scarred jacket's sleeves and amaranthine lipstick smudge on my cheek. By lunchtime I was ready to go home.

But then I realised something. I should have come as someone from Dork Diaries. NO! I mean, I should have just enjoyed the day as what it was, not as what I wanted it to be. But, hey, now i'm really sad and actually trying not to burst out crying right now because I wasted the ENTIRE day worrying about what I dressed up as and now the next time I do World Book Day will be the last time I do World Book Day. There you go, i'm sniffing. FOR GOODNESS SAKE I'M ACTUALLY CRYING!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry about freaking out. Probably NOBODY is reading this because they think i'm such a drama queen, but I hate myself so much I don't even care at the moment.

Right, hopefully the next post will be a bit more positive than this one...

Moonbaby out :)

P.S: One of the only reasons iv'e told you this is because I know most of you actually like my blog a bit and wouldn't mind me putting some more serious things on it