Wednesday 28 October 2015

Happy Black Cat Day!

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies!

I know iv'e been doing a lot of celebrations lately, and this one is no exception... IT'S BLACK CAT DAY!! I have a black cat called Nellie so today is quite a special day for her...(and me).

Go over to the Cats Protection Website to find out more details about today. Anyways, the true meaning of this post was to share with you lovely lot, the poem I wrote for Edie Rose's black cat day inspired writing competition. I came second, which I was super duper happy about, so i thought I would share it with you. Here goes!

The Ebony Cat

I see her eyes staring intensely,
patterns swirling in the bottomless depths of the pupil,
her amber iris twitching and twisting sharply,
ebony, shimmering fur ripples across the path,
and a flash of jet black sprints away.
I follow it, and see two sharp, mountain peak like ears,
they are listening fiercely.
I wonder what she's seen, 
I wonder where she's been,
I wonder if the life she lived before was a happy one?

So, there you go. My poem about a black cat. All the other entries were fabulous too, and I especially loved Iris's poem. Cute!

Anyways, thanks for reading! And don't forget to tell everyone it's black cat day!

Moonbaby out :)

PS. Ooops. I just realised that black cat day was yesterday. Let's just say it's black cat day anyway! 

Friday 23 October 2015

Happy Back To The Future Day!

Great Scott, my lovely jellybabies! Big news...  it's


Well technically, it was the day before yesterday, but hey, whatever. Let's just say it's today, for Marty's sake.

Anyways, the reason that it's Back to the Future day is because: *deep breath*

In back to the future part 2 Marty and Doc travell forward in time to 2015 since the film was made in 1985 to the 21 of October 2015. WHICH IS TODAY!!!!! Well, the day before yesterday, but whatever.

I LOVE the back to the future, it's my favourite movie OF ALL TIME! And I think it's super cool that they thought 2015 would have hoverboards and flying cars and stuff like that!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!! 

If you don't know the storyline of the trilogy then listen up, i'm going to round the whole thing up: *another deep breath*

So there's this dude called Marty McFly right, and he meets this mad scientist called Doc and invents a time machine called the Deloreon, then he travels back in time to 1955 when his parents meet but he accidentally makes them never meet, and while doing so nearly erases his own existence in the process, so in the end he gets them back together, and saves the universe, HOORAY! But,in back to the future part 2, Marty, Doc and Jennifer (Marty's girlfriend) travel into 2015 to try to stop Marty's kids from going to prison and having a horrible life. So he does. Yeah! But, Biff (Marty's nemesis) from the future steals an almanac that Marty bought with all the results of every sporting event till the end of the century, then, he steals the Deloreon and travels back in time to 1955, where he gives the book to his younger self, so, when Doc and Marty get the Deloreon back and go back to 1985, they realise that they have gone to a alternate universe, where Biff is rich and is Marty's stepfather and tries to kill him. So, Marty and Doc travel to 1955 to try to stop Biff from the future giving the almanac to the Biff from the past, so he never gets rich and ends up being Marty's stepfather. And they do. WHOPPEE! But, When Doc is flying around in the Delorean, he gets struck by lightning and transported back to 18 something something, where he finds out he gets shot by a cowboy but then travels forward in time again, then back again, to try to stop himself being shot. But, I haven't actually watched that film yet so HANG ON PEOPLE!!

Anyway, happy back to the future day!

Marty McFly out :)


Tuesday 20 October 2015

5 Unique DIY Halloween Costumes

Hiyas my lovely jellybabies! Halloween is coming closer, HOOOORRRAAAYYY!!! But, like me, if you can't think of anything to go as, just take some insparation from some of the ideas iv'e huddled together. Here are 5 easy DIY halloween costumes that trust me, NO ONE has thought of. So without further a doodle, let's do this!

1.) Sugar Skull

I was this for Halloween last year, and I do not regret it. Just get some face paint, preferably white, and paint your face in. Then, get some different coloured face paint, and make two circles around the eyes, Then draw on a skeleton mouth and a black nose. Ta da! You have now been magically transformed into a sugar skull by power, of me.

2.) Dalek
Not even close in complexity to the one above, get a headband, and a CLEAN toilet plunger. Super glue the toilet plunger on to the headband, and put it on. Now, find a old skirt, and stick some ping pong balls onto it. Sorted.

3.) Alice In Wonderland House
This costume may take some time, patience and a big cardboard box. Take your cardboard box and paint a house on it. It could be as simple as 2 windows and a door, or you could go all out with flowers on the windowsills and steps at the front. Now, cut off the top and bottom so you can get inside it. Then, get some elastic and glue it to the inside of the box. Sort of like straps, so you don't have to carry it round all night. Finally, climb inside your house and voila! You are a massive person inside a tiny house.

4.) Avatar 
Wear a blue onesie, perfect for those late, halloween sleepovers you have after trick or treating.

5.) Marshmallow

Find a white duvet, and wrap yourself in it, simple.

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to comment what your going to be for halloween, and also what you think I should be for halloween!

Moonbaby out :)

Monday 12 October 2015

Things I Love In Autumn

Hiyas my lovely jellybabies! I'm sooooooo sorry about not posting lately, I try to post, but then I can't find any time to, then I can't think of anything to post about, then I give up and watch MyLifeAsEva  on youtube, so then I feel like 
Sorry, small panic attack there.

Anyways, on with today's post. I've decided to tell you guys all the things I love in the Autumn. So without further a doodle, let's do this!

1.) Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte

This drink was so delicious! I adore the warm, spicy feeling when it trickles down your throat. Yum.....

2.) Wooly Socks
Warm, comfortable, fashionable amazing! Everything you need for Autumn.

3.) Colourful Leaves 

All the colours of Autumn's leaves distract me from whatever i'm doing. Flashes of gold shimmer in the trees, and flames flicker across the branches. ( I'm proud of that metaphor)

4.) Halloween

C'mon, you have to admit that Halloween is one of THE COOLEST THINGS EVER!! Think about it! You get free sweets, dress up in whatever you want, and scare the heck out anyone you come across! Awesome or what!

5.) Campfires 
There's nothing better than sitting in front of a campfire, singing a song and roasting marshmellows. 

So that's it for today, hope you enjoyed it!

Moonbaby out :)

PS. I am going to try to blog more often

PPS. Happy chocolate week!