Saturday 25 July 2015

Summer Bucket List Ideas

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies! Moonbaby here. Today I thought would be the perfect day to do a summer bucket list on my blog, so here it is.

If you're wondering what on earth a summer bucket list is, it's basically a big list of crazy things to do when you're bored in summer. (WARNING: some of these things are not humanly possible, but I like to think of them being that anyway)

1.) Go skydiving

2.) Climb a mountain in just a bikini

3.) Go swimming with sharks

4.) Do 1000 cartwheels

5.) Overcome a fear

6.) Go camping in your back garden

7.) Slay a dragon

8.) Break a world record

9.) Build a life-sized model of the Eiffel tower using only toothpicks and blu-tack

10.) Cast a spell

11.) Fold a piece of paper 7 times (Trust me, it's impossible)

12) Make a movie

13.) Do a backflip on a trampoline

14.) Make an EOS lip balm

15.) Create a dance routine to a song your Dad would dance to

16.) Make a blog!

17.) Learn to play the comb

18.) Cook chocolate pizza

19.) Eat a chilli

20.) Write a story

So that was a few ideas to get you started on your summer bucket list. Don't forget to post your list in the comments below.


Moonbaby out :)

Friday 24 July 2015

Alice B. Lovely Book Review

Hiyas! Yep, it's me Moonbaby. Back from my Isle Of Wight trip! It was super fun, we did body zorbing & fish & chip eating & archery & fossil hunting... I really recommend the place! Anyways, I haven't done a book review in a ridiculously long time, so I thought I'd review a book that I love, Alice B. Lovely by Karen McCombie.

Alice B. Lovely is no ordinary nanny. While most of those who have attempted to look after 13 year old Edie Evans, & her little brother Stan, have failed miserably. But something is looking weirdly sparkley with Alice B. Lovely...

From tiny gum paintings to magpies in the living room, to neon leggings & feathery false eyelashes, everything Alice does brings one member of Edie's family away from her, until finally she's on her own. Can Edie stop this wacky nanny, or will she have to join her side? You'll just have to read the book to find out...

Hope you enjoy reading the book! I'm sure you will.  


Moonbaby out :)

Monday 20 July 2015

Top 10 Blogs Of The Month - July

Hiyas! Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. Iv'e been super busy with school, & family, & generally life. But now it's the summer holidays, i'll post as much as I can! So, to kick start the summer I thought i'd do another to 10 blogs of the month post. Enjoy!

10.)Eve's Fun Blog

9.)My Polka Dot Kitchen

8.)Scene It All

7.)Blondie & Brunette

6.) A Bit Confusing

5.)Talia's Tales

4.)What Lexie Loves

3.)Eve Of Womanhood

2.)Minty Perfections

& this month's number 1 is..... The Blog For Tech Nerds!

Thanks for reading! Just a little note : i'm going to the isle of white today, so I might not be able to blog for 4 or 5 days after this post. I'll do a recount on it on Friday when I get back.


Moonbaby out :)

Wednesday 8 July 2015

My Race For Life Experiance

Hey guys! It's mwa, Moonbaby. On saturday, I went to race for life. Race for Life is a fun run by cancer research. They take 1000's of women, & girls, & put them to the test to do a 5k run. This year I was a member of the Pink Army! I was super duper duper exicited when we got there, but quite annoyed because we were very, VERY late. I's really cool, when you arrive. You see a whole army of women in front of you, & a tingle of excitement appears on the back of your neck. One of the most motivational parts was the start line. Instead of saying:


It said:


How awesome is that! Also the high fives while you were running was epic as well. But, you have to admit, the best part OF ALL was when we got free brioches at the end... YUM!!

All in all, I loved it. (Even though it was sizzling hot... everybody ended up walking)

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to love, comment, share and follow!

Moonbaby out :)