Sunday 8 November 2015

Ruby Redfort: Look Into My Eyes Book Review + Interview

Hiyas, my lovely jellybabies! Today i'm going to be doing a book review about… Ruby Redfort! So lets do this…

Oh, and i'm also doing an interview with Clancy, Ruby's best friend.

Ruby Redfort is not your average 13 year old. At the age of 2, she solved the case of a missing dog. BY HERSELF. At the age of 7, she entered the Junior Code Creator competition, and had to have her code broken at Harvard university. BY HERSELF. A you can tell, she is NOT normal.

But, one day, a mysterious secret agent butler informs her that she's been picked to solve an unsolvable code. But, on one condition: 

she has to keep it zipped.

Will Ruby Manage, to keep her secret a, well, secret, or will she let those all important words, slip through her lips? I guess you'll just have to read it to find out. Overall I loved this book, even though some bits were kinda scary. I recommend it to anyone who loves, crime, adventure and lots of slogan t-shirts.

Time for the interview:

Me: So, Clancy, thank you for coming here today. Tell us a bit about your character, what role do you play in the book?

Clancy: Well, I play Ruby's best friend. She gets Clancy to do loads of crazy things in the book.

Me: Right, right, good. How would you think your character is described? Did you like the description?

Clancy: Actually, I wasn't impressed when I first read the script, what I was supposed to act like. In fact, I was quite offended! Am I really going to play this person?! I thought. 

Me: Ok, interesting. So how about all the dramatic scenes you had to film. Like the one where you think Ruby's dead. Or the on where that cat persons holding the gun to your head.

Clancy: Well, it took a lot of takes to film. Everyone kept bursting out laughing. I don't know why. So unprofessional.

Me: Oh, I see, I see. You play Ruby's best friend. Did you and Ruby get along on set? 

Clancy: No way!  Me and Ruby are enemies in real life. She's always bragging about how amazing she is at code breaking, when actually, she can't even break the crossword in the local newspaper! I hate that Ruby Redfort.

(Ruby walks in)

Ruby: Clancy! I heard that!

Clancy: So what?

Me: Uh Oh.

Just a quick note: Ruby and Clancy are actually best friends in the book. They don't really hate each other. I just thought i'd add that in to make it more interesting. 

Thanks for reading! 

Moonbaby out :)

PS. This book is not actually a film, I just thought I would do it like that to make the interview more interesting.


  1. Interviewing the book characters is a really hood ideas!

  2. hi moonbaby i'm new at blogging and I would love some advice my blog is called CloudsInAbove and in real life you ow you gave me that name and my anonymous name is daydream-believer you gave me the names!

    1. Sure, D-B! I've checked out your blog, and absolutely love it! I'll give you some advice... :)

