Saturday 18 June 2016

Just A Reminder...

Why hello there, you fabulous potato.

(I'm so weird)

This is going to be super short, but:

My contest is finished on the 26th of June 2016, and so far I haven't got any entries yet, so, if you are a follower...


It would really mean a lot.

Thanks for reading,

Moonbaby Xx

(PS. check out my 'Happy Birthday Just Add Jellybeans' post for more details)

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Some Big Thank You's...

Why hello there, you wonderful, sparkly unicorns.

Yeah, I really just did that.

Anyway, recently i've realised that I haven't actually physically thanked many humans on my blog. So, if you haven't guessed already by the title, that's what i'm going to do!

Ummm, yeah, i'm gonna thank as many people as I possibly can.




(Is it just me, or does reading that make you think of those really cheesy harmonies some people do. Just a thought.)

Let's turn this into a tag!!

You have to thank as many people as you possibly can in, let's say... 5 minutes. You have to say their name and why they are so important to you.

I am a genius.

Right, 3, 2- oh wait. I need a timer. Just a sec.

Found one!

3, 2, 1!

My mum- she is a fantabulous support and I would literally shrivel up and die if I didn't love her the way I do.

Dad- My god your'e annoying, but I love you so much I can't explain it

My class- You are family, even if our genes are completely different

Edie- I am so jealous of you and your blog and I wish I was you

DB- we argue, but you'll always be a sister to me

All bloggers everywhere- you are such an incredible inspiration to me

Ewan McGregor- I've always had a mahoosive crush on you

Freddie Mercury- and you, Fred

In fact, Queen- You are fantabulous!!!!!!!!

All BANDS everywhere- I love rocking out to your music

Sia- I love Chandelier

Nellie- Gone but not forgotten

Nabila- your'e an awesome human and whenever i'm upset, i'll think of you

Oh, wowzers, that was hard. I also want to thank everyone on Earth. And the International Space Station cause a couple of you aren't actually on Earth. And martians for not giving us a hard time. Cheers, mate.

Ok! I tag-





Thank you so much for reading! I love you.

Moonbaby Xx

(PS: Sorry if this post was a bit messy, I was on a time limit!)

Monday 6 June 2016


So I was in the middle of writing this post yeah, and then I realised that it was the 6th of June.


For the of you who haven't been with me for that long, the first post I ever did ON THIS BLOG was precisely 1 year ago! IT'S JAJ'S FIRST BIRTHDAY!!




I can't believe i've come this far with not just my blog, but my life. And I have all you fantabulous humans to thank for that.

In fact, you helped me come SO far, i'm going to do something i've never done before...

A contest!!!!

*screams delightfully*

But this is my first contest so i'm not really sure what to do.

*oh, right. leaves room*

But we're still gonna make it work!

*runs back in, screams delightfully again*

So the rules are this:


1. You have to be a follower
2. You have to express your happiest moment in any form. A poem, a picture, a song, a story, whatever you want.
3. After you complete it, email it to Hi! Edie here. I had to remove the email address as it was mine and I wasn't comfortable with it being on the interwebs.
4. The contest closes on the 26th of June 2016, so you have 20 days to prepare!

 3rd prize will receive a guest post on either their or my blog
2nd prize an interview (again, either their or my blog) 
1st prize is both

Not mine

Thanks you so much for reading. It really does mean a lot.

Moonbaby Xx