Monday 28 December 2015

A Fresh New Start...

Hiyas, my lovely jellibabies... *jeez this is awkward* I just wanted to say a couple of things..

First things first, I want to apologise for not blogging. I know, I know, it's been over a month now, but I really am, from the bottom of my heart,  sorry. I've been incredibly busy with school, and Christmas, and god knows what else... so i've hardly had any chance to blog at all.

 Also, my beloved cat, Nellie, recently was diagnosed with a jaw tumor. (Oh dear, I'm actually crying right now.) and she had to go to the vets. And stay there. Forever. A couple of days later they called to say she went to sleep...

And didn't wake up.

I miss Nellie dearly, and i've been hugely upset by this tragedy in my family, so again, I haven't felt up to blogging. And I need a tissue.

But wait, there's more.

I've been having these sort of anxiety, stress wobbles where I suddenly feel sick, want to go home, start crying. That sort of thing. So, it's really put my whole idea of existence on hold.

So yeah, that's kind of my life right now.


2016 is coming, and that's a chance to start over. EVERYTHING.

My blog, my school, my family, my room, everything.

To kick start the fresh new start, I want to start with pets. My mum has agreed that i'm allowed to get 2 goldfish! That is why i'm holding my very own, first competition. The rules are:

You have to be a follower,
You have to comment 2 gold fish names on this post,
That's basically it.

The prizes are:

1st: A guest post and interview with me
2nd: An interview with me
3rd: A guest post

In 2016, i'll also be doing a whole other range of posts, from Dear Diary moments, to lots of little stories from my imagination.

Plus, if you have any new year's resolutions, make sure you comment them down in the comment box below!

So yeah, that's all I really wanted to say...


Moonbaby out :)


  1. How about giggles and goldy

  2. I think they should be called : porridge and borridge?! ;)

  3. I feel really bad for you and your family and aswell our friends cat called Thomasina ( who did actually die aquite a long time ago)
