Monday 11 January 2016

10 Websites To Visit When You're Bored

Hiyas, my lovely jellibabies! Today i'm going to show you 10 awesome websites iv'e found to keep you occupied when you're online. Let's do this!

1. Draw A Stickman - draw a stickman, and let you're imaination run wild! (Make sure you complete both the episodes, though. Because, something really cool happens at the end of episode 2.)

2. Cleverbot - chat with a robot who loves talking about random stuff! So much fun if all your friends are busy...

3. Make Everthing Ok - just press the magic button and all your wishes will come true...

4. Google Maps - try this: search up 236 Earls Court Road W.8. Click on the Police Box, and step into the...


Yes, that's right, go inside a time machine.

5. Maybaby (youtube) - this is such a cool channel, make sure you check it out!

6. Seven Super Girls (youtube) - seven super girls is the largest all girl collaboration channel on youtube! Every day a different girl makes a video on the chosen theme. Emily, Jazzy, Kaelyn, Jenna, Katherine, Rachel, Mimi and Nicole! (I know, that's 8. Crazy.)

7. Ever After High website - step into the magical world of ever after high where you can meet the sons and daughters of fairytale characters!

8. Friv - loads of awesome games await you here...

9. Buzzfeed - lots of random articles on everything!

10. Pinterest - make your own boards, and pin pictures on to them. Awesome.

Thanks for reading! 

Moonbaby out Xx

Friday 1 January 2016


Hiyas, my lovely jellibabies... well, nothings really going on at the moment, except

IT IS NOW 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Holy macaroni. I need to breathe...



Could you please give me a minute? *runs outside the room*


Ok, i'm back. Can we start again please?

Hiyas, my lovely jellibabies!! OMG, it is now 2016!!!!!  I can't believe it!  I have a feeling something BIG is gonna happen this year... I have absolutely no idea what it's gonna be, but it's gonna happen... I hope. Soooooo, i've decided to share with you, some of my new year's resolutions. Man this is gonna be exciting! Are you ready? Are you strapped in? Have you been to the toilet, no? Nevermind. Scream if you wanna go faster!

1. Get a new blog design - i'm working on this...... um, email

2. Try to stop having these wobble things - as mentioned in my last post

3. Find the end of a rainbow - don't judge me, my mental age is 3 (just kidding)

4. Redo my room - you know, this could actually be a possibility!

5. Get instagram - my very good friend and fellow blogger DB  has it.

6. Ride a unicorn - what? Can't a girl ride a little bloomin' unicorn?

7. Buy glasses from Claire's - glasses suit me, even though at the moment I don't need them

8. Talk when i'm blogging - for this I need to type faster... I talk ALOT!

9. Swim with mermaids - So? I have dreams...

10.  Learn to knit - this isn't gonna be easy... :(

11. Blog more often - yeah, I have a lot to make up for... sorry guys

12. Brush Rapunzel's hair - I can see a pattern forming, can you?

13. Get 2 goldfish - i'm pretty sure this will happen

14. Get better at singing - it's a very useful tool

15.  Live in a gingerbread house - yep, a pattern

16.  Skydive - awesome!!!

17.  Throw a tomato into a moving fan - who knows where this will go

18. Be myself

Wow, I have a lot of new years resolutions. What are yours? Comment in the UNDERWORLD. (Under this post)

That's all for now, my lovely jellibabies!

Happy new year!

Moonbaby out Xx